School Hours
8.17am First Siren
8.20am School commences
10.20am – 10.50am Morning Recess
12.50pm – 1.00pm Lunch eaten under supervision
1.00pm – 1.20pm Lunchtime recreation
2.30pm Conclusion of school
Student Attendance
Every Day Matters. At Millars Well Primary School we encourage all of you to help your children attend school every day. It is important because it makes a difference to how much they learn and how well they do. Every day your children learn something new and every day they build on what they know. The more they learn, the better they can achieve, and the more opportunities they create for life.
All public schools are required to abide by the legislative requirements outlined in The School Education Act 1999 (the Act) and The School Education Regulations 2000 (the Regulations). The Department of Education also has a Student Attendance policy and an Enrolment policy which outline mandatory steps for schools.
The School Education Act 1999 (the Act) requires a student of compulsory school age to be enrolled in and to regularly attend a registered school or an approved educational programme (The Act Part 1, s.9 and s.23).
Compulsory School Age is defined as from the beginning of the year in which the child reaches the age of 6 years and 6 months, and until the end of the year in which the child reaches 17 years, or the child satisfies the minimum requirements for graduation from the secondary school as established under the Curriculum Council Act 1997, whichever happens first (The Act Part 1, s.6).
Under this legislation, parents or carers must:
- Ensure that a child in their care who is of compulsory school age regularly attends an authorised school or educational programme (The Act.s.23) or complies with an arrangement ‘alternative to attendance’ (The Act s.24).
- Notify the Principal as to the cause of the absence as soon as is practicable and within three school days of the day on which the non-attendance commenced (The Act s. 25).
The Act also states that:
- A student may be absent for reasonable cause – such as health, recognised religious/cultural ceremonies and any other reason considered acceptable by the Principal.
- The principal may request notification in writing explaining a student’s absence e.g. letter, medical certificate, application to home educate child.
Where possible, please discuss any upcoming absences in advance so we can let you know of important learning or activities your child will miss out on.
You can let the school know by • Sending the class teacher a Seesaw message. • Replying to the SMS absence message. • Email the school: • Phone the school on 9187 6900. • Send a note to the class teacher on return to school.
Find out what you can do to help your children attend school every day or talk to your child’s teacher.