P & C Association

P & C Associations are established under the School Education Act for the purpose of supporting a strong government school system, for the benefit of the students.
At Millars Well Primary School the P&C helps you and your children by:

  1. Giving parents an opportunity to learn about the school’s policies and programs;
  2. Organising ways in which parents can share in shaping and developing school policies so that they reflect the broad agreement and support of the school community;
  3. Bringing parents together to share information and views;
  4. Assisting the school to build positive attitudes to students and their families;
  5. Stimulating community interest and participation in education;
  6. Raising funds and providing additional resources and amenities for the benefit of children attending our School.

Today, we expect schools to take on new roles and responsibilities. If they are to succeed, schools need the support of committed parents. When you play a part in your P&C, you help to bring the community and its school closer together, reducing the risks of confusion, unfounded criticism and unreal expectations.

At Millars Well Primary School our P&C meets twice a term usually on a Wednesday. We meet in the school staff room at 6.30pm and our meetings normally go for about one hour. Participating in the P&C offers a great informal opportunity to meet other parents, members of the teaching staff, including the Principal. Being involved in the P&C is a very positive and rewarding experience; you meet some great people and are always up to date on whatever is happening around the school. Your input is also important in the many decisions that are made.

For any information about the P&C or school please feel free to contact your P&C by email: millarswellpc@gmail.com

Office Bearers

President – Ramon Martin
Vice President – Callie Martin
Secretary – Jemma Martin
Treasurer – Kelly Newbold
Uniform Shop Coordinator – Jemma Martin